LeadsWithDemos Documentation

How to Create a Transactional Email using Templates on LeadsWithDemos

LeadsWithDemos allows you to create emails from scratch; however, our email templates can get you started faster. LeadsWithDemos transactional emails let you send a welcome email or an email with CMS product demo details each time a lead submits their information to request a copy of your product demo.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a transactional email using LeadsWithDemos email templates. Follow the steps below to set up and customize your email successfully.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Access the Transactional Email Section

  • Login to your LeadsWithDemos account.
  • From the main Dashboard, select the site where you want to add the transactional email.
  • Navigate to the “Transactional Emails” section in the left-hand menu.
  • Then click on “Email Builder”.

Step 2: Selecting an Existing Template

  • You have the option to create the email from scratch by clicking on “New Email”, but in this tutorial, we will focus on using a template.
  • Go to the “Email templates” tab.
  • Locate the template you wish to use from the list.
  • Click on the “Copy to emails” icon located under the “Actions” column.

Step 3: Customize Your Transactional Email

  • Click on the “Open template” icon to open the email builder editor.
  • Customize the content as needed. This may include changing the text, adding variables, and configuring layout elements.
  • Click on the “Variables” button to insert dynamic data fields like the lead’s name, email, etc.
  • Once you’ve customized your email, click the “Save” button.
  • Toggle the email on to ensure it is sent automatically each time a lead takes an action.

Your transactional email is now created and ready to be sent to your leads!