LeadsWithDemos Documentation
Metric table
My Leads’ Metric table
The metric table within my leads section should include the following information:
Registered Date
The date when the lead was registered into your LeadsWithDemos.
First Name
The lead’s first name.
Last Name
The lead’s last name.
Email Address
The lead’s email address
Last Given Access
The date on which the lead last gained access to a CMS Product Demo copy.
Last Contacted
The date of the last time the lead was contacted via a transactional email.
Here you can go to the lead details page, where you can see the details of the leads, and activities.
Send email
Here you can send a transactional email directly to the lead.
Here you would be able to edit the leads information, including name, last name, email address, and add a tag.
Here you would be able to delete the lead.