
LeadsWithDemos Documentation

Buttons Tab

Buttons Tab in the Design Functionality

The Buttons tab in the Design Functionality allows for detailed customization of default button design on your LeadsWithDemos landing pages, ensuring that buttons are not only visually appealing but also consistent with your brand and user experience design.

Button Design

Tailor the default design of buttons used across your landing pages.

Text Size

Set the default text size within buttons.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: This ensures a consistent text size in buttons throughout your landing pages.

Text Style

Choose the default style for button text, like bold, underlined or strikethrough text.

(i) Applies only to pre-designed pages: Customize button text style for pre-designed pages. For custom pages, this style needs to be adjusted within the page builder.

Line Height

Control the default line spacing in button text.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Ensures uniform line height in buttons across all page types.

Font Family

Select the default font for button text.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Maintains consistent font usage in buttons throughout your landing pages.

Letter Space

Adjust the default letter spacing in button text.

(i) Applies only to pre-designed pages: Allows specific customization for pre-designed pages. For custom pages, adjust letter spacing directly in the page builder.

Text Color

Choose the default text color for buttons.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Enables uniform or varied text color in buttons across different page types.

Background Color

Set the default background color for buttons.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Aligns button background color with your landing pages’ overall design scheme.

Border Width

Define the default width of button borders.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Controls the visibility and style of button borders uniformly.

Border Color

Choose the default color for button borders.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Customizes border color to complement or contrast the button design.

Border Radius

Adjust the default curvature of button corners.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Allows for rounded or sharp corners, enhancing button design.

Button Design on Hover

Customize how the default buttons appear when hovered over with the mouse.

Text Color

Change the default text color in buttons upon hover.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Creates interactive visual cues for users.

Border Radius

Modify the default button corner curvature on hover.

(i) Applies only to pre-designed pages: Adds a dynamic visual effect on hover. Adjust this setting in the page builder for custom pages.

Background Color

Alter the default background color of buttons on hover.

(i) Applies to both custom and pre-designed pages: Engages users with interactive color changes.

Letter Space

Adjust the default letter spacing in button text on hover.

(i) Applies only to pre-designed pages: Enhances hover effect with subtle typographic changes. For custom pages, modify this directly in the page builder.

Border Color

Change the border color of buttons on hover.

(i) Applies only to pre-designed pages: Distinguishes buttons further when interacted with. Custom page adjustments should be made in the page builder.